What should I indicate in the number of decimals ?
The number of decimals is the precision with which prices are stored and displayed on the site as well as on orders, invoices and credit notes.
Generally, a number of decimals places of 2 should be sufficient. But if you want to have precision to the thousandth, you will have to indicate 3, to the ten thousandth, it will be 4, etc…
Attention, by reducing this number, for example by going from 3 to 2, the precisions will definitely be lost.
Generally, a number of decimals places of 2 should be sufficient. But if you want to have precision to the thousandth, you will have to indicate 3, to the ten thousandth, it will be 4, etc…
Attention, by reducing this number, for example by going from 3 to 2, the precisions will definitely be lost.
What does LIFO, FIFO or WAC inventory mode mean?
The inventory mode defines the valuation method for your stock, i.e. the calculation of the value of your stock :
- FIFO (First In First Out) mode assumes that the products you sell are those that you first entered into stock or those that you purchased first. Normally, when you bought them, their purchase price was lower than those you bought later. So, by releasing them first, you keep the higher value products in stock. Thus, the valuation of your stock will be higher.
- LIFO (Last In First Out) mode assumes that the products you sell are those that you last entered into stock or those that you last purchased. Normally, when you bought them, their purchase price was higher than those you bought earlier. So, by releasing them out first, you keep the lower value products in stock. Thus, the valuation of your stock will be lower.
- The WAC (Weighted Average Cost) mode considers that all products in stock have the same purchasing value. This value is obtained by calculating the average of all purchases of the product since the last inventory, i.e.: Sum (Quantity purchased x Purchase Price) / Sum of Quantities Purchased. The stock value is thus smoothed, it is higher than that obtained by the LIFO method and lower than that obtained by the FIFO method.